Hague Manifesto
27 October 2015
Illustration for The Hague Project Peace and Justice about the launch of the Hague Manifesto, in support of UN Global Goal 16, which focuses on peace and justice.
Illustration for The Hague Project Peace and Justice about the launch of the Hague Manifesto, in support of UN Global Goal 16, which focuses on peace and justice.
I illustrated a booklet for Prison Watch meant for prisoners in foreign prisons, who cannot speak or understand the local language. The visuals show (among other things) the international rights prisoners have, trial procedures and prison rules.
Europe is launching a naval campaign to combat migrant trafficking in the Mediterranean.
Thanks to Cartooning for Peace, my cartoon on Saudi Arabia and human rights was published in Le Monde on October 3.
Obama and Putin, meddling in Syria. Published on Joop.nl and by Cartooning for Peace.