In Dutch: Gaskraan Open/Dicht

171103 GaskraanCartoon voor Milieudefensie: De gaskraan in Groningen moet nu dicht, maar Exxon en Shell - de eigenaren van de NAM - kunnen de Nederlandse overheid aansprakelijk stellen voor de winst die ze mislopen door die beslissing.

Counter-Terrorism Versus Civil Society

170817 WWP cartoon

A cartoon I did for the Women Peacemakers Program about the negative impact of counter-terrorism financing regulations on civil society space. Complex but very important subject matter on how anti-terrorism policies interfere with human rights activism (and sometimes are even actively used by oppressive governments to stop human rights organizations).

Picture it in Prison

I illustrated a booklet for Prison Watch meant for prisoners in foreign prisons, who cannot speak or understand the local language. The visuals show (among other things) the international rights prisoners have, trial procedures and prison rules.



